<<< Click & Drag Mouse To Move About >>> <<< Double Click To End This Message >>> Fantasoft LLC Your Mac Fantasy Factory --- Presents --- Realmz Copyright © 1994-97 by Tim Phillips All rights reserved worldwide ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Programming........................Tim Phillips Artwork............................Andy Hunter Max S Fellwalker Tim Phillips Karl Janot Sound..............................Lance Linimon Tim Phillips Antoine Rosset Technical Help.....................Jim Foley Pete Hagen Sean Sayres Authors: City of Bywater....................Tim Phillips Prelude to Pestilecne..............Sean Sayres Assault on Giant Mountain..........Tim Phillips Castle in the Clouds...............Jim Foley Destroy the Necronomicon...........Tim Phillips White Dragon.......................Jim Foley Realmz PC Editor...................Tim Phillips Special Thanks To: Lane Foulk, Glenn Andreas, Randy Lee, Don Henson, Neil Shapiro, Brett Pawlowski, Jeff Vogel, Chris Johnson, Terry Schussler, John H. Chrostowski, A. Wesley Reese, Andrew Dyer, Gerry Inks, Adam Newman and Louis I. Dagen Very Special Thanks To: Erin Phillips, who put up with all of my griping and allowed me to work on this even when it was still just a pipe dream. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This software was created in the hopes of setting new standards for quality role playing games. Please help us continue to improve Realmz and create new scenarios by supporting us in this endless quest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There are many files that you may find usefull or interesting. Here is a listing of what is out there and some locations where you can find them. The OFFICIAL Fantasoft web site. http://www.fantasoft.com Other web sites: The Realmz Site - http://www.ese.ogi.edu/pub/entertainment/realmz Realmz Sketchbook - http://emporium.turnpike.net/Z/zen/Realmz.html Stark's Realmz Page - http://uplift.sparta.lu.se/~thomas/realmz.html Books Page -http://www.seas.ucla.edu/~grayson/realmz/Realmz_Books.html Cool Mod Files For Use as Music in Realmz -http://www.watson.org/mods/ Usenet comp.sys.mac.games.adventure Tim Phillips Fantasoft, LLC Your Mac Fantasy Factory Phone/Fax: (608) 222-8468 E-Mail: Fantasoft1@aol.com http://www.fantasoft.com <<< Click & Drag Mouse To Move About >>> <<< Double Click To End This Message >>> Live Long and Prosper.